Utopias for
the present
Flattening two curves: university in times of climate crisis and corona pandemic.
The climate show presented the results of the Climate Semester - Utopias for the Present - in a digital exhibition and as an online event on Juli 17th 2020.
At the FH Potsdam, in the summer semester 2020, the climate semester, the challenges of the climate crisis were jointly examined and transdisciplinary approaches and sustainable options for action for the here and now were developed.

On July 17, 2020, the results of the climate semester in the summer semester 2020 at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences were presented live on Zoom.

How can interactive infographics be used to demonstrate the effects and strategies for solving the problem of global warming?

Stones that calculate – materiality in the post-digital world
What are the material dependencies of our networked society?

Design for Future – Conception of the Transformation Design Kit
Shaping visions of the future for a climate-neutral, resource-light and just society.

Seeing Green – Design practices of environmental and climate protection
What role does design play in people’s inaction in issues of climate protection?

Education for Sustainable Development
We develop didactic Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) sequences in cooperation with a child and youth welfare organisation for residential groups.

Arctic climate quiz – Tracking down data, misinformation and (political) decision-making processes
How is climate change in the Arctic being researched, what is the data telling us and what is happening with this scientific knowledge on its way into society and politics?

Critical Zones – Observatories for Earthly Politics. Seminar on the exhibition at the ZKM Karlsruhe
What new artistic and scientific conceptions of the Earth and the planetary require the ecological crisis and climate change?

Hey Greta!
This course refers to the current discussions about “Fridays for Future” and the quest for a more responsible approach to nature, our resources and the environment.

Climate-neutral printing – Studies on the topic of climate-neutral printing
Possibilities for responsible production of printed products, a publication entitled "Designing climate-friendly? Reflections on responsible printing".

Ain’t that good news – Designing a visual newspaper section
How do we imagine dealing with climate and environmental issues in the section of a daily newspaper? What could such a visual series contribute to the topic, what should it trigger in the reader, what could its visual design look like and in which media format would it ideally transport its content?

Nutrition, climate and environmental protection
What are the most climate-friendly ways of nutrition?

Stranger Living – Are Dumb Cities the New Smart Cities?
What can a good, climate-friendly life in the city look like beyond the mainstream trends of future mobility and smart city concepts, and how can alternative scenarios be made tangible with the help of prototypes?

Educational architecture – Participation in school building construction
How should we learn and teach in the future and which constructional effects will result from this?

Nuances and polarities of colours
Climate change can be observed in nature and is at the same time a hyper-object that eludes concrete imagination. Subjective color sensations and the parallel examination of climate research and its visualizations led to nuanced individual representations and team projects.

Slow Planet
What could life on a post-pandemic Slow Planet look like?

Automated Stroll – Urban, design and strolling workshop
Strolling workshop, Foot Camp, teaching canapé? The experimental seminar provides compact, active and public skills in the following areas: Strollology, urbanism and architecture, design history and theory, prototyping, transdisciplinarity, mobility and automated driving, social movements, public engagement and participation.
How can we respond to climate change and related technological innovations?

Resilience and transformation of urban structures
Resilience describes the ability of a complex system to return to the initial state despite strong external disturbances or to establish a new system state which even shows an improved system behaviour compared to the initial state.

What will the wind turbines of the future look like?

Open MaaS L.A.B.S. @Futurium – Developing mobility in an open and socially relevant way
Redesigning mobility: How can Mobility as a Service (MaaS) influence our mobility behaviour in the future? What new possibilities does the MaaS concept open up? And what risks does it entail?

Graphic Kites – A Manual For Wind
We use creative means to investigate the kite as an object and the wind as a medium.

Tipping Points – Visual experiments on disruptive climate system changes due to global warming
Visualisations of a range of tipping elements, staged by design students of FH Potsdam as spatial installations to make the devastating dynamics vivid and sensual

Rebel For Future – Holistic communication design
☞ What makes a communication design of the future? What are the values and visions of the future of community and the environment and effective narratives and framings? How do we talk about nature and organisms in 2020? How can transformation design be made attractive & appealing?

Fragile, beautiful and slimy: jellyfish – a typographic study
“Jellyfish are the last ones that will be left when everything else falls apart,” says Australian marine biologist and jellyfish expert Lisa-Ann Gershwin.

Searching for Climate Justice
What does climate justice mean?

To stay…
In a mobile culture, how do we manage to reduce the ecological footprint to a responsible level with the help of intelligent product development?

Future Reflections – modular concepts for sustainable luminaires
What does sustainable light mean and what do future lighting concepts look like?

The Senses Toolkit
How can we understand and communicate climate change scenarios?

Imprint – Klimaschau
The Klimaschau is the digital exhibition of works in the context of the 2020 climate semester at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences.

Pitch your Green Idea – The sustainable entrepreneurship game
Game-based workshop on the sustainable development of founding ideas in the context of the climate show - with prizes for the best ideas! REGISTER NOW!

Species to Species Services
How can we unlearn world views that we have become so accustomed to and imagine and design for new forms of conviviality?

Resource optimisation in construction – Motivation and example
Resource optimisation–relevance for building operation but also for construction

Campus Climate Gardens
What social, ecological and climatic contributions do collective gardens make in the context of increasing urban greening as a result of climate change?

Some Magazine #10 Fire – A Magazine between Art and Design

Climate semester and scientific research
How can research on, in and through design be done on the subject of climate?

Prototyping Reality – spatial & contextsensitive interfaces
How can we use the potential of a new technology like Augmented Reality as designers to respond to challenges such as climate change or the COVID 19 pandemic?

The Last One: Little Penguins Journey – Seminar: Interactive Narratives
We created a game on Twine, which represents an interactive narrative on a environmental topic because of the currency of this issue. The protagonist is a little penguin which stands for animals that suffer from environmental problems like global warming and pollution of the sea through cruise ships, overfishing and waste.

We’re on it! Project “safe the world”
What can each*r individual do to make a contribution to sustainability (every day)?

Planetary Scrollytelling – Visual data essays about system earth
How can the concept of planetary boundaries become tangible with visualised data and concrete examples?

Talk: Technical challenges for sustainable energy supply in cities

Privacy Policy – Klimaschau
The Klimaschau is the digital exhibition of works in the context of the 2020 climate semester at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences.